Military & Soldiers


If you are currently serving in (or applying to) the Military or Police services it is likely that you wil be training hard to meet and hopefuly exceed the basic fitness requirements. Many hours of gym classes, weight training and carrying weight while training are all core foundations for current and future service. Unfortunately military and police recruits, even exisiting military personal suffer from re-ocurring injuries. This can be exacerbated by high impact or extreme force from assault causes and/or parachute jump landings. To optimise your training, reduce the likely risk of injury and give yourself the best chance of success; we at Kinetic Podiatry Clinic can help diagnose and treat, discreetly and promptly, a wide range of back, lower limb and feet issues.

It could be that you are now retired but have an on-going or recurring issues or some other symptom that is affecting your feet, lower limbs, knee, hip or back.

Another particularly common complaint stems from the time you spend, or have had to spend, standing on your feet. In fact, we have found that the problems of prolonged standing are not widely known and yet issues such as poor circulation, varicose veins, swelling in your lower limbs along with knee and back stiffness and pain, can potentially be diagnosed and treated or managed relatively easily following an assessment of your feet.

Finally, should you haver any questions or would like to talk to a Podiarrist about injuries/training or for whatever other reason, please click on the link below to contact Kinetic Podiatry Clinic, and see how we can help you.